Christmas shopping?

This charity has struggled to raise funds from regular events such as collections at our local supermarkets due to Covid and we are desperately low on funds to pay for the forthcoming year. But you can help.

As a registered charity, Radio Broadgreen rely on public donations. If you shop online, please consider us as your nominated charity with Amazon Smile or Easyfundraising and raise free donations at no extra cost to you!

easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to this charity. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

Simply click on this link to go to the Easyfunding website for more information.

Thank you.

Copyright Infringement Notice: Mr A Museler – November 2024

Following a copyright claim of an image used in a blog, the image of Goodison Park via Wikipedia has now been removed from this charity’s website.

The correct Creative Commons attribution (and hyperlinks) were not visible when the blog post was updated. We apologise to the copyright holder Mr Müseler for this error and as soon as Mr Müseler’s legal representative made us aware (order to Cease and Desist/Compensation Claim/Settlement Offer), we removed the blog.

Details: Liverpool fc everton stadium.jpg by Arne Müseler via Wikipedia CC-BY-SA 30DE

Hello Radio Broadgreen listeners!

Welcome to the new Radio Broadgreen website.

So after 40 years of broadcasting from studios in the grounds of the Broadgreen Health Park, we start October 2023 with a fresh looking new website which performs better for people viewing via tablets, laptops or smart-phones.

The use of the free wi-fi on hospital sites now allows hospital radio to be delivered to patients and staff in super audio quality. What’s the point of much hard graft of raising funds for this charity and spending it on expensive radio equipment if we don’t deliver a quality product in quality stereo?

And since the introduction of free wi-fi on hospital sites, we have found most patients will make use of the service.

So sit back and enjoy what we have to offer……..oh and thanks for listening.